Monday, December 08, 2003

Stop believing all the hype! If you're tired of wasting your time and money on these get-rich-schemes, this is the place to be. Learn from somebody just like yourself what you REALLY need to do to build your network marketing business without all hype.

However, if you can't handle the truth, then you may want to seach for a so-called-guru and spend another two hundred bucks or so on some material that you probably won't even read. As a matter of fact, i'll even recommend a few to you.

This is not a place for the sensitive, hold-my-hand, woo-woo, I don't have any money, I can't make any money, my job keeps my busy type. This place is for those who want to know and hear the truth.

Frankly, I am tired of people raising their hands and asking for help and when I tell them what to do they go and do something else. I am tired of hearing people say that they want to make money, but refuse to invest in themselves to get educated.

I've come to the conclusion that most people don't want to hear the truth about what it's really gonna take to make it in their MLM business. People liked being lied to.

Still here good..

With that said........

*Are you simply fed up with all the MLM hype about how easy it is?

*Are you tired of wasting big bucks making the "gurus" rich?

No. I will not be sharing with you my daily deposits and hyped up testimonials. All I will say is that I am just like you. I've wasted THOUSANDS of dollars and countless hours of my time buying all that crap that promises you riches, only to learn the hard way. Today I do things differently. I take each day and learn something new about this business. I am educating myself and developing my skills. And guess what....... It's working. My business is growing. However, slowly. It's growing. And so am I.

You can too. Learn with me. Fired your old self. Rehire a new you. Take responsibility.

My favorite quote "If you keep doing what your doing, you'll keep getting what your getting." (Or it may get worse.) author unknown